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Like you, we are passionate about the environmental sustainability. By using energy from natural sources we can help sustain the environment in a cheap and efficient way.
Environmental Sustainability & Heat pump efficiency
Heat pumps offer numerous advantages as a heating and cooling solution. The same systems used to cool can also be used to heat, resulting in less initial investment and simplicity in operation and maintenance. Heat pumps also have an important advantage in the area of efficiency. Unlike fossil-fuel based heating systems, heat pumps extract available heat from the outside air. Heat pumps offer efficiency gains on the order of 3:1 and higher, compared to electrical heating. Thus for every unit of energy consumed by the heat pump, three or more units of heat are gained.
The future concept of heating, today
Why consider a change?
Fed up with heating bills that leave you wanting to pull out your hair? You’ve found our website which means that you have already taken your first step towards and cheaper and greener heating future. The laissez-faire adage that “if it’s not broken don’t try to fix it”, applies to many things in life. Your central heating system shouldn’t be one of them! While it may not be broken it differs little to a leaking car fuel tank left unattended, literally throwing money away unnecessarily to achieve the same level of performance.
Reliant on fossil fuels, central heating systems crave combustibles which are rapidly decreasing due to an ever-rising global demand. This commodity, as a result, has become more valuable and is realised in higher bills for us all. Additionally, as we consider our carbon footprint, many of us are becoming more mindful of the overall impact we place on the environment and the part that we can play to reduce it.
Thankfully there is a solution.
You can now achieve the same heating performance levels as your existing system while saving yourself money and doing your bit for the environment at the same time!
Bergdorf’s renowned Air Source heating systems optimise heating output by harnessing renewable energy resources available in the outside air. This readily available and free energy provides heat for all your needs; warm room air, hot water, underfloor and radiator heating systems – controlled entirely by you. Whatever your motivation, it makes sense to consider technology which lessens the impact either from an economical or an ecological point of view!
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